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prolongation synonyms and prolongation related words

Synonyms -> prolongation synonyms

List of prolongation synonyms and prolongation related words.

adjournal, adjournment, coming after, consecution, consecutiveness, continualness, continuance, continuation, continuity, deferment, deferral, descent, elongation, endurance, extension, extension of time, following, lengthening, line, lineage, lingering, logical sequence, maintenance, order, order of succession, perpetuation, perseverance, persistence, posteriority, postponement, postposition, procession, procrastination, production, progress, progression, prorogation, protraction, pursuance, putting-off, repetition, rotation, run, sequence, series, staying power, straight course, strain, stretch, stretching, stringing out, subjunction, succession, successiveness, suffixation, sustained action, sustenance, tabling, tension, uninterrupted course, unremittingness, way