List of pronged synonyms and pronged related words.
V-shaped, Y-shaped, acanthoid, acanthous, acicular, acuate, aculeate, aculeiform, acuminate, acute, arboreal, arborescent, arboriform, barbed, biforked, bifurcate, bifurcated, branched, branching, branchlike, cornuted, crotched, cusped, cuspidate, dendriform, dendritic, forked, forking, forklike, furcate, hispid, horned, horny, mucronate, needle-pointed, needle-sharp, pointed, ramous, sharp-pointed, spiculate, spiked, spiky, spined, spinous, spiny, tapered, tapering, tined, toothed, tree-shaped, treelike, tridentlike, trifurcate, trifurcated, unbated