List of prosecution synonyms and prosecution related words.
accusal, accusation, accusing, action, allegation, allegement, arraignment, bill of particulars, blame, bringing of charges, bringing to book, carrying out, case, cause, cause in court, charge, chase, complaint, completion, count, delation, denouncement, denunciation, discharge, dogging, effectuation, enforcement, execution, follow, follow-up, following, fulfillment, hue and cry, hunting, impeachment, implication, imputation, indictment, information, innuendo, insinuation, judicial process, lawsuit, laying of charges, legal action, legal case, legal proceedings, legal process, legal remedy, litigation, observance, plaint, proceedings, pursuance, pursuing, pursuit, quest, reproach, searching, seeking, shadowing, stalking, suit, suit at law, taxing, tracking, tracking down, trailing, transaction, true bill, unspoken accusation, veiled accusation