List of protein synonyms and protein related words.
albumin, albuminoid, amino acid, androcyte, antheridium, antherozoid, casein, chlorophyll, chromoprotein, collagen, dipeptide, edestin, elastin, fibroin, globin, globulin, glutenin, glycoprotein, hemoglobin, histone, ichthulin, interferon, lactalbumin, lecithoprotein, lipid, lipoprotein, lysozyme, male gamete, milt, mucin, nucleohistone, nucleoprotein, oryzenin, osseomucoid, peptide, peptone, phosphoaminolipide, phosphoprotein, pollen, prolamine, protamine, proteid, proteose, protide, salmine, scum, seed, semen, seminal fluid, serum globulin, sperm, sperm cell, spermagonium, spermatic fluid, spermatid, spermatiophore, spermatium, spermatocyte, spermatogonium, spermatophore, spermatozoa, spermatozoid, spermatozoon, tendomucin, thymus histone, zein