List of protestation synonyms and protestation related words.
affirmance, affirmation, alibi, allegation, announcement, annunciation, apology, assertion, asseveration, averment, avouchment, avowal, beef, bitch, blind, boycott, challenge, cloak, color, complaint, compunction, conclusion, cover, cover story, cover-up, creed, declaration, demonstration, demur, demurrer, device, dictum, enunciation, exception, excuse, expostulation, facade, feint, front, gloss, grievance, grievance committee, guise, handle, howl, indignation meeting, ipse dixit, kick, lame excuse, locus standi, manifesto, march, mask, nonviolent protest, objection, ostensible motive, picketing, poor excuse, position, position paper, positive declaration, predicate, predication, pretense, pretension, pretext, proclamation, profession, pronouncement, proposition, protest, protest demonstration, public motive, put-off, qualm, rally, refuge, remonstrance, remonstration, say, say-so, saying, screen, scruple, semblance, sham, show, sit-in, smoke screen, squawk, stalking-horse, stance, stand, statement, stratagem, strike, subterfuge, teach-in, trick, utterance, varnish, veil, vouch, word