List of public synonyms and public related words.
Babbittish, Everyman, John Doe, Philistine, Public, accessible, acknowledged, adherent, admitted, affirmed, alehouse, announced, apparent, appendage, associated, attendant, audience, available, bar, barrel house, barroom, beer garden, beer parlor, bistro, blatant, blind tiger, boardinghouse, body politic, bourgeois, bourgeoisie, broadcast, brought to notice, buff, business, buyers, cabaret, cafe, campy, carriage trade, catholic, cavaliere servente, celebrated, circulated, citizenry, citizens, civic, civil, clear, clear-cut, clientage, clientele, cocktail lounge, collective, collectivistic, common, common knowledge, common man, common property, commonalty, commonly known, commonplace, commonwealth, communal, communistic, community, community at large, commutual, conjoint, conjunct, conspicuous, constituency, consumers, cooperative, cortical, cosmopolitan, courtier, cultural community, current, custom, dangler, declared, demos, dependent, diffused, disciple, disreputable, disseminated, distributed, dive, dorm, dormitory, doss house, dramshop, drinking saloon, dwellers, eminent, epidermic, estate, everybody, everyman, everyone, everywoman, exomorphic, exposed, exterior, external, extrinsic, familiar, famous, fan, flagrant, fleabag, flophouse, flunky, folk, folks, follower, followers, following, free, fringe, general, general public, gentry, gin mill, government, governmental, groggery, grogshop, guest house, habitancy, hackneyed, hanger-on, henchman, high-camp, hoi polloi, homely, homespun, homme de cour, honky-tonk, hospice, hostel, hostelry, hotel, household, illustrious, in circulation, in common, in print, in public, in the open, infamous, influential, inhabitants, inn, international, joint, kitschy, known, linguistic community, local, lodging house, low-camp, made public, make public, manifest, market, masses, men, middle class, multitude, municipal, mutual, nation, national, nationality, nightclub, notable, noted, notorious, obvious, open, openly, ordinary, out, outer, outermost, outlying, outmost, outside, outstanding, outward, outward-facing, overt, parasite, partisan, patent, patronage, pension, people, people at large, people in general, peripheral, persons, plain, platitudinous, plebeian, plebeians, polity, pop, populace, popular, population, portion, posada, pothouse, proclaimed, projected, proletariat, prominent, propagated, proverbial, pub, public house, publicly, publish, published, purchasing public, pursuer, pursuivant, rank and file, rathskeller, reciprocal, renowned, reported, roadhouse, rooming house, roundabout, rumshop, rural market, saloon, saloon bar, satellite, sectary, sector, seeming, segment, shadow, shared, social, socialistic, societal, society, speakeasy, special-interest group, speech community, spread, state, stated, stooge, suburban market, successor, suite, superficial, supporter, supranational, surface, tagtail, tail, talked-about, talked-of, taproom, tavern, telecast, televised, the citizenry, the general public, the people, the populace, the population, the public, third estate, trade, trainbearer, trite, truistic, unconcealed, universal, universally admitted, universally recognized, unrestricted, unshrouded, urban, vernacular, viewable, visible, votary, ward heeler, well-kenned, well-known, well-recognized, well-understood, whole people, widely known, widespread, wine shop, world, worldwide, you and me, youth market