List of punishment synonyms and punishment related words.
abuse, admonishment, admonition, amercement, avengement, banishment, battering, beating, caning, cashiering, castigating, castigation, chastening, chastisement, chastising, comeuppance, compensation, correction, criticism, damage, desert, deserts, discipline, disciplining, dressing-down, electrocution, excommunication, execution, exile, fine, flogging, hanging, harm, imprisonment, incarceration, injury, just deserts, lashing, maltreatment, mauling, mulct, paddling, penal retribution, penalization, penalty, penance, price, punition, quittance, rebuke, recompense, reprisal, reproof, requital, retribution, revenge, reward, rod, scolding, scourging, sentence, sentencing, spanking, thrashing, torture, trouncing, what for, what is due, what is merited, whipping