List of queer synonyms and queer related words.
AC-DC, abnormal, absurd, affected, amphierotic, anomalous, apocryphal, artificial, assumed, atypical, auntie, autoerotic, bad check, bad money, ball up, base coin, bastard, batty, bereft of reason, bi-guy, bisexed, bisexual, bizarre, bogus, bogus money, bollix, bollix up, botch, brainsick, brummagem, bugger, bugger up, bull dyke, bungle, butch, catamite, chicken, colorable, colored, cook, counterfeit, counterfeit money, counterfeited, crab, crackbrained, cracked, cramp, crank, crankish, cranky, crazed, crazy, crimp, cripple, crotchety, curious, daft, de-energize, debilitate, deluded, demented, deprived of reason, deranged, destroy, deviant, deviative, different, disable, disenable, disoriented, distorted, distraught, divergent, dizzy, dotty, doubtful, drain, dressed up, droll, dubious, dummy, dyke, eccentric, effeminate, embellished, embroidered, enfeeble, erratic, ersatz, exceptional, exotic, extraordinary, factitious, fag, faggot, faint, fairy, fake, faked, false money, falsified, feigned, femme, fey, fictitious, fictive, fishy, flaky, flighty, flit, forgery, foul up, freaked out, freakish, freaky, fricatrice, fruit, funny, garbled, gay, giddy, green goods, gum, gum up, gunsel, hallucinated, hamstring, hash up, hipped, homo, homoerotic, homophile, homosexual, homosexualist, hors de combat, idiocratic, idiosyncratic, illegitimate, imitation, inactivate, incapacitate, incongruous, insane, invert, inverted, irrational, irregular, junky, kibosh, kinky, kite, kooky, lame, laughable, lesbian, light-headed, loco, loony, louse up, ludicrous, lunatic, mad, maddened, maggoty, maim, make-believe, man-made, manic, mannish, mar, mazed, mental, mentally deficient, meshuggah, mess up, mock, moon-struck, muck up, muddle, muff, mysterious, nance, non compos, non compos mentis, not all there, not right, nuts, nutty, odd, oddball, of unsound mind, off, off the wall, offbeat, out, outlandish, outre, pansy, passing strange, pathic, peculiar, perverted, phony, pinchbeck, play hell with, play hob with, poorly, potty, pretended, pseudo, psycho, punk, put, put-on, puzzling, quaint, qualmish, qualmy, quasi, queasy, queen, queer the works, questionable, quirky, reasonless, remarkable, ridiculous, rubber check, ruin, sabotage, sapphic, sapphist, screw up, screwball, screwy, self-styled, senseless, shady, sham, shoddy, sick, simulated, singular, sink, snafu, snarl up, so-called, soi-disant, spike, spoil, spurious, stark-mad, stark-staring mad, strange, supposititious, suspect, suspicious, synthetic, tetched, tin, tinsel, titivated, touched, transvestite, tribade, tribadistic, twisted, unauthentic, unbalanced, uncanny, uncommon, unconventional, unearthly, uneasy, unexampled, unfit, ungenuine, unhinged, unnatural, unorthodox, unparalleled, unreal, unsane, unsettled, unsound, unusual, unwell, vertiginous, wacky, wandering, warped, weaken, weird, whimsical, wing, witless, wondrous strange, wreck