List of radical synonyms and radical related words.
Bolshevik, Bolshevist, Fabian, Gospel side, IC analysis, Jacobin, Kekule formula, Wobbly, ab ovo, aboriginal, absolute, accidence, acid, acidity, advanced, affix, affixation, agent, agitator, algorismic, algorithmic, aliquot, alkali, alkalinity, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-inclusive, all-out, all-pervading, alloisomer, allomorph, anarchist, anarchistic, anarcho-syndicalist, anion, antacid, arrowhead, at the height, at the limit, atom, atomic cluster, basal, base, basement, basic, basilar, basis, bearing wall, bed, bedding, bedrock, beginning, benzene ring, biochemical, born, bottom, bound morpheme, branched chain, broad, broad-based, broad-minded, cantorial side, cardinal, cataclysmic, catastrophic, cation, central, chain, character, chemical, chemical element, chromoisomer, clean, clear, closed chain, commencement, communist, complete, compound, compound radical, comprehensive, conception, congenital, conjugation, constituent, constitutional, constitutive, consummate, copolymer, corrective, counterclockwise, crucial, cuneiform, cutting, cycle, decimal, declension, deep, deep-dyed, deep-seated, demotic character, derivation, determinative, difference of form, differential, digital, dimer, downright, drastic, dyad, dyed-in-the-wool, egregious, element, elemental, elementary, embryonic, emendatory, enclitic, entire, essential, even, exhaustive, exponential, extreme, extreme left-winger, extremist, extremistic, fanatic, fanatical, far out, figural, figurate, figurative, finite, floor, flooring, fond, footing, formative, foundation, foundational, fractional, free form, fundament, fundamental, furthest, generative, genesis, genetic, germinal, gradualistic, grammalogue, grass roots, greatest, ground, grounds, groundwork, gut, hardpan, head, heavy chemicals, heptad, heterocycle, hexad, hieratic symbol, hieroglyph, hieroglyphic, hieroglyphics, high polymer, hiragana, homocycle, homopolymer, hydracid, ideogram, ideograph, imaginary, immediate constituent analysis, immoderate, impair, impossible, in embryo, in ovo, inception, infinite, infix, infixation, inflection, inherent, inorganic chemical, insurgent, insurrectionary, insurrectionist, integral, intensive, intrinsic, ion, irrational, isomer, kana, katakana, larboard, lattice, left, left hand, left wing, left-hand, left-hand side, left-wing, left-wing extremist, left-winger, left-wingish, leftist, levorotatory, liberal, logarithmic, logogram, logograph, logometric, lunatic fringe, macromolecule, material, meliorist, melioristic, metamer, mild radical, mildly radical, militant, molecule, monad, monomer, morph, morpheme, morphemic analysis, morphemics, morphology, morphophonemics, most, natural, near, near side, negative, neutralizer, nigh, nihilist, nihilistic, nonacid, numeral, numerary, numerative, numeric, octad, odd, of the essence, ogham, omnibus, omnipresent, ordinal, organic, organic chemical, origin, original, origination, out-and-out, outright, oxyacid, pair, paradigm, parlor Bolshevik, parlor pink, pavement, pentad, perfect, pervasive, phonetic, phonetic symbol, pictogram, pictograph, pink, pinko, plain, plumb, polymer, port, port tack, portside, positive, possible, prefix, prefixation, pregnant, primal, primary, prime, primeval, primitive, primordial, principal, principle, pristine, proclitic, profound, progressionist, progressist, progressive, progressivist, protogenic, provenience, pseudoisomer, pure, rabid, radix, rational, reagent, rebel, reciprocal, red, reformational, reformative, reformatory, reformer, reformist, reformistic, regular, revisional, revisionist, revisory, revolutional, revolutionary, revolutionist, revulsionary, revulsive, ring, riprap, rise, rock bottom, root, rudiment, rudimentary, rune, sans-culotte, seat, secessionist, seminal, separatist, severe, sheer, shorthand, side chain, sill, simple radical, sinister, sinistral, sinistrocerebral, sinistrocular, sinistrogyrate, sinistrorse, solid ground, solid rock, source, space-lattice, stem, stereobate, stock, straight, straight chain, stylobate, submultiple, substantial, substantive, substratum, substruction, substructure, subversive, suffix, suffixation, sulfacid, surd, sweeping, syndicalist, taproot, terra firma, tetrad, theme, thorough, thoroughgoing, through-and-through, tolerant, too much, total, transcendental, transilient, triad, trimer, ubiquitous, ultra, ultra-ultra, ultraconservative, ultraist, ultraistic, unconditional, underbuilding, undercarriage, undergirding, underlying, underpinning, understruction, understructure, universal, unmitigated, unqualified, unreserved, unrestricted, utmost, utopian, utopist, utter, uttermost, veritable, verso, vital, way out, wedge, wholesale, wide, word letter, word-formation, wrong side, yippie, zealot