List of ragged synonyms and ragged related words.
all in, bad, badgered, baited, battered, beat-up, bedeviled, bedraggled, beset, blowzy, brassy, brazen, broken-down, bugged, bullyragged, capricious, careless, changeable, changing, chintzy, chivied, choked, choppy, cleft, cloven, coarse, corrugated, cracked, cragged, craggy, crinkled, croaking, croaky, crumpled, cut, deteriorated, deviating, deviative, deviatory, deviled, different, dilapidated, discordant, disordered, disorderly, divaricate, divergent, diversified, diversiform, dog-tired, dogged, dowdy, down-at-heel, down-at-the-heels, drabbletailed, draggled, draggletailed, dry, erose, erratic, exhausted, fagged out, fatigued, frayed, frazzled, frowzy, frumpish, frumpy, full of holes, grating, gravelly, grubby, gruff, guttural, harassed, harried, harsh, harsh-sounding, heckled, hectored, hoarse, holey, hounded, husky, imperfect, impulsive, in pieces, in rags, in shreds, in tatters, inconsistent, inconstant, informal, ironbound, irregular, jagged, jaggy, jerky, lacerate, lacerated, loose, lumpen, mangled, mercurial, messy, metallic, motley, mussy, mutable, mutilated, needled, neglected, negligent, nicked, nipped at, nonconformist, nonstandard, nonuniform, notched, patchy, persecuted, pestered, picked on, plagued, pluralistic, poky, pooped out, poor, quartered, raggedy, rasping, ratty, raucid, raucous, rent, ridged, ripped, riven, rockbound, rocky, rough, roupy, rude, rugged, rugose, rugous, ruinous, run-down, saw-toothed, sawtooth, scragged, scraggly, scraggy, scratchy, scruffy, seedy, serrate, serrated, severed, shabby, shaggy, shoddy, shredded, slack, slatternly, slipshod, slit, sloppy, slovenly, sluttish, snagged, snaggled, snaggy, sordid, spasmodic, spent, splintered, split, sporadic, squalid, squawking, squawky, stertorous, stony, strangled, tacky, tattered, tatty, teased, thick, threadbare, throaty, tinny, tired, toothed, tormented, torn, unequable, unequal, uneven, unkempt, unneat, unorthodox, unsightly, unstable, unsteady, unsystematic, untidy, ununiform, variable, variegated, variform, various, varying, wavering, weary, worn out, worried, wrinkled, zigzag