List of ramification synonyms and ramification related words.
V, appendage, arborescence, arborization, arm, bifidity, biforking, bifurcation, bine, bipartition, bisection, bough, branch, branchedness, branchiness, branching, branching off, burgeon, by two, complexity, complexness, complication, consequence, convolution, crabbedness, crotch, crutch, cutting in two, deadwood, delta, dichotomy, difficulty, dimidiation, divarication, division, effect, entanglement, extension, fan, flagellum, fork, forking, frond, furcation, furcula, furculum, groin, halving, hand, imp, implication, in half, inguen, intricacy, intricateness, involution, involvement, joint, leg, limb, link, lobe, lobule, member, offshoot, organ, outgrowth, perplexity, pinion, prong, ramage, result, runner, sarment, scion, shoot, slip, spear, spray, sprig, sprit, sprout, spur, stem, stolon, subdivision, subtlety, sucker, switch, tail, tanglement, technicality, tendril, thallus, treelikeness, trident, trifurcation, twig, upshot, wing, wishbone