List of ration synonyms and ration related words.
administer, allocate, allot, allotment, allowance, amount, apportion, apportionment, assign, assignment, batch, big end, bigger half, bit, bite, budget, bunch, chunk, clutch, comestibles, commission, commons, consignment, contingent, control, count, cut, deal, deal out, destiny, disburse, dispense, disperse, dispose, distribute, distribution, divide, dividend, division, divvy, dole, dole out, dose, eatables, edibles, end, equal share, fate, food, give out, gob, group, half, halver, hand out, heap, helping, hunk, interest, issue, large amount, limit, lot, measure, measure out, meed, mess, mete, mete out, modicum, moiety, number, pack, parcel, parcel out, part, pass around, pay out, percentage, piece, portion, portion out, proportion, prorate, provender, provision, provisions, quantity, quantum, quota, rake-off, rations, restrict, schedule, segment, share, shift, slice, small amount, small share, spoon out, stake, stock, sum, supplies, viands, victuals