List of recommend synonyms and recommend related words.
acclaim, advance, advise, advocacy, advocate, advocating, advocation, applaud, approve, back, blandish, boost, brief, bring before, bring forward, bring up, broach, cajole, call on, call upon, certificate of character, character, character reference, coach, coax, commend, commend to attention, compliment, confer, consult with, counsel, credential, cry up, direct, endorse, exhort, favor, guide, hail, high-pressure, hype, importune, insist, insist upon, instruct, introduce, jawbone, kibitz, launch, lay before, letter of introduction, lobby, make a motion, meddle, moot, move, nag, offer a resolution, open up, patronage, persuade, plead with, plug, pose, postulate, praise, prefer, prescribe, press, pressure, promote, propose, proposition, propound, puff, push, put forth, put forward, put it to, recommendation, reference, second, set before, set forth, soft-soap, speak highly of, speak warmly of, speak well of, stand up for, start, submit, subscribe to, suggest, support, sweet-talk, testimonial, tout, underwrite, urge, vouch for, voucher, wheedle, work on