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reference synonyms and reference related words

Synonyms -> reference synonyms

List of reference synonyms and reference related words.

acknowledgment, advocacy, advocating, advocation, affective meaning, allusion, angle, appeal to, applicability, application, appositeness, aspect, bearing, by-line, case, certificate of character, certification, character, character reference, citation, coloring, concern, concernment, confession, configuration, connection, connotation, consequence, credential, credentials, credit line, cross reference, cross-refer, cross-reference, demonstration, denotation, diacritical mark, direct attention to, direction, drift, effect, eidolon, end stop, endorsement, essence, example, exemplification, extension, facet, fashion, feature, figure, force, form, germaneness, gestalt, gist, grammatical meaning, guise, hint, idea, illustration, image, imago, impact, implication, import, impression, indication, innuendo, insinuation, instance, intension, interest, intimation, invoke, item, letter of introduction, lexical meaning, light, likeness, lineaments, literal meaning, look, make a cross-reference, make reference to, manner, materiality, meaning, mention, naming, notation, note, notification, overtone, particular, patronage, pertinence, phase, phasis, pith, point, practical consequence, punctuation, punctuation marks, purport, quotation, range of meaning, real meaning, recommend, recommendation, refer to, reference mark, referent, referral, regard, relatedness, relation, relevance, remark, respect, scope, seeming, semantic cluster, semantic field, semblance, sense, shape, side, signature, significance, signification, significatum, signifie, simulacrum, slant, span of meaning, specification, spirit, stop, structural meaning, style, substance, sum, sum and substance, symbolic meaning, tenor, testimonial, tittle, total effect, totality of associations, trademark, transferred meaning, tribute, twist, unadorned meaning, undertone, value, view, viewpoint, voucher, wise