List of remark synonyms and remark related words.
Parthian shot, address, advertence, advertency, affirmation, alertness, allegation, allude to, analysis, animadvert, annotation, answer, apostrophe, aside, assert, assertion, assiduity, assiduousness, attend, attention, attention span, attentiveness, averment, awareness, behold, blurt, blurt out, call attention to, care, clarification, cognizance, comment, comment upon, commentary, commentate, commentation, concentration, consciousness, consideration, crack, critical review, criticism, criticize, critique, deal with, declaration, declare, descant, descry, dictum, diligence, discern, discourse, discuss, dissert, dissertate, ear, earnestness, editorial, elucidation, episode, espy, exclaim, exclamation, exegesis, explanation, explication, exposition, expression, gloss, go into, greeting, handle, heed, heedfulness, infix, injection, inquire into, insert, insertion, insinuation, intentiveness, intentness, intercalation, interject, interjection, interlineation, interlocution, interpolation, interpretation, introduction, leader, leading article, let drop, let fall, look, look at, make reference to, mark, mention, mind, mindfulness, muse, note, notice, obiter dictum, observance, observation, observe, opine, parenthesis, perceive, phrase, position, pronouncement, question, refer to, reflect, reflection, regard, regardfulness, remark upon, report, respect, review, running commentary, say, saying, scholium, see, sentence, side remark, speak, state, statement, subjoinder, survey, take note, take notice, take up, tend, thought, tossing-in, touch upon, treat, treat of, utterance, view, watch, word, write up, write-up