List of remedial synonyms and remedial related words.
adjuvant, aidful, alleviating, alleviative, alterative, analeptic, analgesic, anesthetic, anodyne, assuasive, balmy, balsamic, beneficial, benumbing, cathartic, cleansing, conducive, constructive, contributory, corrective, curative, curing, deadening, demulcent, dulling, easing, emollient, furthersome, good for, healing, helpful, iatric, lenitive, medicative, medicinal, mitigating, mitigative, numbing, pain-killing, palliative, positive, profitable, purgative, relieving, reparative, reparatory, restitutive, restitutory, restorative, salutary, sanative, sanatory, serviceable, softening, soothing, subduing, therapeutic, theriac, useful, vulnerary, wholesome