List of remiss synonyms and remiss related words.
Micawberish, backward, behindhand, bone-lazy, cadging, careless, culpably negligent, dallying, delaying, delinquent, derelict, dilatory, dillydallying, disregardful, do-nothing, doless, dronish, drony, easy, easygoing, ergophobic, faineant, foot-dragging, forgetful, good-for-nothing, heedless, impotent, imprecise, inadvertent, inattentive, indifferent, indolent, lackadaisical, laggard, lagging, laissez-faire, lax, lazy, lenient, lingering, loitering, loose, neglectful, neglecting, negligent, nonaggressive, noninterfering, nonrestrictive, off-guard, overindulgent, overly permissive, overpermissive, parasitic, permissive, procrastinating, procrastinative, procrastinatory, regardless, relaxed, scamping, scrounging, shiftless, shuffling, skimping, slack, slighting, slipshod, sloppy, slothful, slow, sluggish, slurring, soft, sponging, thoughtless, uncircumspect, unenterprising, unguarded, unheeding, unmindful, unrestrained, unrigorous, unthinking, unwary, unwatchful, weak, work-shy