List of repeat synonyms and repeat related words.
act like, affect, alternate, assume, be here again, bis, bob, borrow, burden, chant, chime, chorus, circle, come again, come and go, come around, come round, come round again, come up again, commit to memory, con, copy, counterfeit, crib, cycle, din, ditto, do, do a repeat, do again, do like, do over, double, dupe, duplicate, duplication, echo, encore, fake, forge, geminate, get by heart, get letter-perfect, go back, go like, harp, hash over, have by heart, hoke, hoke up, imitate, ingeminate, intermit, iterate, keep coming, know by heart, learn by heart, learn verbatim, make like, make over, memorize, mirror, multiply by two, oscillate, parrot, plagiarize, pulsate, pulse, quote, re-create, re-form, reappear, rebroadcast, rebuild, recap, recapitulate, recite, reconstitute, reconstruct, recount, recur, redesign, redo, redouble, reduplicate, reecho, reestablish, refashion, reflect, refound, refrain, regenerate, regurgitate, rehash, rehearse, reincarnate, reinstitute, reissue, reiterate, relate, remake, renew, renovate, reoccur, reorganize, repeat by heart, repeat performance, repetend, repetition, replay, replaying, replica, replicate, replication, reprint, reprise, reproduce, reproduction, rerun, resay, reshape, resound, restate, restore, restructure, resume, resurrect, retell, return, return match, reverberate, revert, revise, revive, revolve, ring, ritornello, roll around, rotate, say again, simulate, study, swot up, turn, twin, undersong, undulate, wheel, wheel around