List of report synonyms and report related words.
Agnus Dei, Benedicite, Gloria, Gloria Patri, Gloria in Excelsis, Introit, Magnificat, Miserere, Nunc Dimittis, PR, Te Deum, Trisagion, Vedic hymn, accidental, acclaim, account, account rendered, accounting, accuse, acquaint, acquaintance, act on, acta, advertise, advertise of, advice, advise, affirm, allege, allegorize, alleluia, analysis, announce, announcement, annual, annunciate, annunciation, answer, anthem, antiphon, antiphony, appear, apprise, approval, arraign, arrive, article, backfire, ballyhoo, bang, blast, blowout, blowup, blue book, blurb, book, book review, boom, break the news, breve, brief, briefing, bright light, bring accusation, bring charges, bring to book, bring word, broadcast, bruit, bulletin, bulletin board, burst, buzz, canard, canticle, celebrity, censure, census report, chant, character, charge, chat, chatter, check in, check out, check up on, chitchat, chorale, chronicle, circular, circulate, cite, clock in, come in, comment, commentary, commentation, common knowledge, common talk, communicate, communication, communique, complain, condemn, conversation, convey, cover, crack, critical bibliography, critical journal, critical notice, critical review, criticism, critique, crotchet, cry, currency, data, datum, daylight, declaration, declare, declare roundly, decree, demisemiquaver, denounce, denunciate, describe, description, detail, detonation, directory, dirt, discharge, disclose, dispatch, disseminate, divulge, document, dominant, dominant note, doom, double whole note, doxology, eclat, edict, editorial, eighth note, election returns, encyclical, enharmonic, enharmonic note, enlighten, enlightenment, enunciate, enunciation, evidence, examine, explore, explosion, exposure, fable, fabulize, facts, factual information, fame, familiarization, familiarize, famousness, fasten on, fasten upon, fictionalize, figure, find, find against, find for, finger, flare, flash, flat, flying rumor, fulguration, fulmination, gen, general information, get across, get over, give, give a report, give notice, give the facts, give tidings of, give word, glare, glory, gloss, gossip, grapevine, guidebook, gunfire, gunshot, half note, hallelujah, hand on, handout, hang something on, hard information, hearsay, hemidemisemiquaver, history, hoopla, hosanna, hue and cry, hymn, hymn of praise, hymnody, hymnography, hymnology, idea afloat, impart, impeach, imply, impute, incidental information, indict, info, inform, inform against, inform on, information, inquire into, insinuate, instruct, instruction, intelligence, investigate, issue a manifesto, issue a statement, knowledge, kudos, latrine rumor, laud, lay charges, leader, leading article, leave word, let know, light, limelight, literary criticism, lodge a complaint, lodge a plaint, look into, make a statement, make an announcement, make known, make public, manifesto, mantra, maximum dissemination, mention, mention to, message, minim, minutes, motet, murmur, musical note, mythicize, mythify, mythologize, name, narrate, narrative, natural, news, news stirring, note, notice, notification, notify, notoriety, notoriousness, novelize, offertory, offertory sentence, on-dit, order, paean, pass, pass along, pass judgment, pass on, pass sentence, patent note, piece, pin on, plug, popularity, position paper, prating, prefer charges, presentation, press charges, press notice, probe, proceedings, proclamation, program, programma, promotional material, promulgate, pronounce, pronounce judgment, pronounce on, pronouncement, pronunciamento, proof, psalm, psalmody, public eye, public knowledge, public notice, public relations, public report, publication, publicity, publicity story, publicize, publicness, publish, publish a manifesto, puff, put on report, put out, quarter note, quaver, recite, reclame, recognition, record, recount, rehearse, relate, release, remark, render, renown, rep, report for duty, reproach, reputation, repute, research, responding note, response, responsory, retell, return a verdict, returns, reveal, review, romance, roorback, rule, rumble, rumor, running commentary, scandal, scrutinize, scuttlebutt, semibreve, semiquaver, send, send word, sentence, serve notice, set forth, shaped note, share, share with, sharp, shot, sidelight, sign in, signal, sixteenth note, sixty-fourth note, small talk, speak, speech, spiccato, spotlight, staccato, state, statement, storify, story, study, surface, sustained note, take to task, talk, tally, task, tattle, taunt with, tax, tell, tercet, the bubble reputation, the dope, the goods, the know, the record, the scoop, thirty-second note, tidings, tittle-tattle, tone, town talk, transactions, transfer, transmission, transmit, triplet, turn up, twit, ukase, unconfirmed report, utter a judgment, verse, versicle, version, vogue, whisper, whispering, white book, white paper, whole note, word, write up, write-up, yearbook