List of representative synonyms and representative related words.
MP, Member of Congress, Member of Parliament, acting, advocate, agent, alderman, alter ego, alternate, alternative, ambassador, amicus curiae, analogy, antetype, antitype, apish, archetypal, archetype, assemblyman, attorney, backup, backup man, badge, banner, biotype, case, case history, case in point, catchpole, champion, change, changeling, character, characteristic, chosen, chosen freeholder, city father, classic, classic example, classical, commissioner, comparison, congressman, congresswoman, connotative, copy, councilman, counterfeit, criterion, cross section, delegate, delineative, delineatory, democratic, demonstration, demonstrative, denominative, denotative, depictive, deputative, deputy, descriptive, designative, device, diagnostic, differentia, double, dummy, earmark, echoic, elected, emblem, emblematic, embodiment, embodying, emissary, envoy, epitome, equal, equivalent, ersatz, evidential, evocative, example, exchange, executive officer, exemplar, exemplary, exemplification, exhibitive, explanation, exponent, expositive, expressive, faithful, fake, figural, figurative, figurehead, fill-in, floor leader, fugleman, fugler, genotype, ghost, ghostwriter, graphic, hallmark, ideal, identifying, ideographic, idiosyncrasy, idiosyncratic, illustration, illustrational, illustrative, image, imitatee, imitation, imitative, implicative, incarnating, index, indicant, indicating, indicative, indicator, indicatory, individual, insignia, instance, keynote, lawgiver, lawmaker, lead, legate, legislator, lieutenant, lifelike, limning, locum, locum tenens, majority leader, makeshift, mark, meaningful, measure, metaphor, metaphorical, metonymy, mimetic, mimish, minority leader, mirror, missionary, model, naming, naturalistic, next best thing, note, object lesson, onomatopoeic, original, paradigm, paradigmatic, paranymph, party whip, pathognomonic, pattern, peculiar, peculiarity, personifying, personnel, phony, pictographic, pictorial, picture, pinch hitter, pleader, portraying, precedent, precedential, procurator, property, prototypal, prototype, proxy, quintessential, realistic, relevant instance, relief, rep, replacement, representation, representational, representing, reserves, ringer, rule, sample, sampling, seal, second in command, second string, secondary, semantic, semiotic, senator, sigil, sign, signal, signalizing, signature, significant, significative, signifying, simulative, solon, spares, specimen, spokesman, spokeswoman, stamp, stand-in, standard, state senator, sub, substituent, substitute, substitution, succedaneum, suggestive, superseder, supplanter, sure sign, surrogate, symbol, symbolic, symbolistic, symbolizing, symbological, symptom, symptomatic, symptomatologic, synecdoche, telltale sign, third string, token, trait, true to life, type, type species, type specimen, typical, typical example, typification, typifying, understudy, urtext, utility man, utility player, vicar, vicar general, vice, vice-president, vice-regent, vicegerent, vivid, well-drawn, whip