List of reverse synonyms and reverse related words.
Hydromatic, abandon, abolish, about-face, about-turn, abrogate, adversative, adverse, adversity, adversive, afterpart, afterpiece, afterthoughts, alter, annul, antagonistic, anti, antipathetic, antipodal, antipode, antipodean, antipodes, antipole, antithesis, antithetic, antithetical, antonym, antonymous, assimilate to, at cross-purposes, atavism, automatic transmission, back, back away, back door, back off, back seat, back side, back track, back trail, back up, backing, backing off, backing out, backing up, backpedal, backset, backslide, backsliding, backtrack, backtrail, backup, backward, backward deviation, backwater, bafflement, balancing, balk, become, behind, better thoughts, breech, bring to, cancel, capsize, catastrophe, change, change into, change of mind, change over, check, checkmate, clashing, cogwheel, comedown, compensating, conflicting, confronting, confusion, contra, contradictory, contradistinct, contrapositive, contrarious, contrary, contrasted, converse, convert, counter, counterbalance, counterbalancing, countercheck, countermand, countermarch, counterorder, counterpoint, counterpoise, counterpoised, counterpole, counterterm, countervailing, dead against, debacle, defeat, descent, differential, differential gear, difficulty, disaffirm, disannul, disappointment, disaster, discomfiture, discordant, discrepant, disenchantment, dismantle, do away with, do over, down, evert, exchange, eyeball to eyeball, eyeball-to-eyeball, facing, falling back, flip, flip side, flip-flop, foil, freewheel, frustration, gear, gear train, gearbox, gearing, gearshift, gearwheel, go astern, go into reverse, heads, heel, high, hind end, hind part, hindhead, hostile, inconsistent, inimical, interchange, intermediate, introvert, intussuscept, invaginate, invalidate, inverse, invert, inverted, lapse, lapse back, lift, low, make, make over, make sternway, make void, mature judgment, mirror, misadventure, misfortune, mishap, modify, naturalize, negate, neutral, nullify, obverse, occiput, offset, opposed, opposing, opposite, opposite number, opposite side, oppositional, oppositive, oppugnant, other face, other side, overdrive, override, overrule, overthrow, overturn, perverse, polar, polaric, polarized, posterior, postern, problem, pronate, quash, rack, rear, rear end, rearward, rebuff, recall, recant, recidivate, recidivation, recidivism, reclamation, reconversion, reconvert, recrudescence, recurrence, reduce to, regress, regression, rehabilitation, reinstatement, relapse, render, renege, renewal, renounce, repeal, repugnant, repulse, rescind, resolve into, restitution, restoration, resupinate, retract, retrocede, retrocession, retrogradation, retrograde, retrogress, retrogression, retroversion, retrovert, return, returning, reversal, reverse of fortune, reversed, reversing, reversion, revert, reverting, revoke, revolve, revulsion, right-about, right-about-face, rotate, rout, second thoughts, set aside, setback, setoff, severe check, shift, slip back, slipping back, squared off, standard transmission, stern, stick shift, supinate, suspend, swingaround, switch, switch over, synchromesh, tail, tail end, tailpiece, tails, take back, tergiversating, tergiversation, the contrary, the other side, throwback, transfer, transform, transmission, transplace, transpose, trouble, turn, turn about, turn around, turn back, turn down, turn in, turn inside out, turn into, turn out, turn over, turn the scale, turn the tables, turn topsy-turvy, turn upside down, turnabout, turnaround, underside, undo, upset, upside down, vacate, verso, veto, vicissitude, vis-a-vis, void, volte-face, waive, washout, withdraw, write off, wrong side