List of review synonyms and review related words.
Grand Guignol, Passion play, Tom show, abbreviation, abbreviature, abrege, abridgment, abstract, afterthought, air, airing, analysis, analyze, annotate, annual, antimasque, application, approval, array, assess, assessment, audience success, autopsy, ballet, battologize, bimonthly, biweekly, bomb, bone, boning, book review, brainwork, brief, bring back, bring to mind, broadcast drama, brush up, burlesque show, buzz session, call back, call to mind, call up, canvass, canvassing, capsule, caravan, cavalcade, censure, charade, check, check out, check over, check up on, cliff hanger, closet drama, colloquium, column, comedy drama, comment, comment upon, commentary, commentation, commitment to memory, compend, con, condensation, condensed version, conference, conjure up, conning, consider, consideration, conspectus, contemplate, contemplation, controvert, copy, cortege, cram, critical bibliography, critical journal, critical notice, critical review, critical success, criticism, criticize, critique, daily, daybook, daytime serial, deal with, debate, debating, deliberate, deliberate upon, deliberation, descant, developed thought, dialectic, dialogue, diary, dig, digest, discourse, discourse about, discuss, discussion, dissert, dissertate, documentary drama, draft, drama, dramalogue, dramatic play, dramatic series, dress parade, drill, duodrama, duologue, dwelling upon, editorial, elaboration, elucubrate, engrossment, ephemeris, epic theater, epitome, evaluate, evaluation, evoke, examination, examine, exchange of views, exchange views, exercise, exercise of memory, experimental theater, extensive study, extravaganza, failure, fill, flashback, flop, flyover, fortnightly, forum, funeral, gasser, gazette, get up on, give an encore, give an examination, giveaway, gloss, go back, go back over, go into, go over, go through, going over, grind, grinding, handle, happening, hark back, have second thoughts, head, headwork, hindsight, hit, hit show, improvisational drama, inquire into, inspect, inspection, investigate, investigation, iterate, iteration, joint discussion, journal, judge, judgement, knock around, leader, leading article, learning by heart, legitimate drama, line, literary criticism, logical analysis, logical discussion, look at, look back, look over, looking back, lucubrate, lucubration, magazine, march past, masque, mature thought, melodrama, memoir, memorization, memorizing, mental labor, mind, minstrel show, miracle, miracle play, monitor, monodrama, monologue, monthly, morality, morality play, moralize upon, motorcade, mule train, music drama, musical revue, mystery, mystery play, narration, narrative, newsmagazine, notice, observe, open discussion, open forum, opera, organ, outline, overhaul, overhauling, overlook, overview, pack train, pad, pageant, pandect, panel discussion, panel show, pantomime, parade, pass over, pass under review, pastoral, pastoral drama, peer at, periodical, perlustration, perusal, peruse, pictorial, piece, play, playlet, plunge into, polish up, pomp, pore over, postmortem, practice, practicing, precis, problem play, procession, promenade, psychodrama, quality control, quarterly, quiz show, radio drama, rap, rap session, re-examination, re-examine, read, reading, reaffirm, reaffirmation, reappraisal, reappraise, reason, reason about, reason the point, reassert, reassess, reassessment, rebehold, recall, recall to mind, recalling, recap, recapitulate, recapitulation, recapture, recheck, recital, recite, recollect, recollecting, recollection, reconsider, reconsideration, recount, recountal, recounting, reevaluate, reevoke, reexamine, reflect, reflection, refresh the memory, regard, regard studiously, rehash, rehearsal, rehearse, reinquire, reinquiry, reissue, reiterate, reiteration, relation, remark, remark upon, remember, remembering, remembrance, reminiscence, report, reprint, restate, restatement, restudy, restudying, resume, retail, retell, retelling, rethink, rethinking, retrace, retrospect, retrospection, revaluate, revaluation, review in retrospect, reviewing, revise, revision, revive, revue, reword, ripe idea, rote, rote memory, rub up, rubric, run over, run-through, running commentary, say over, say over again, scan, scrutinize, scrutiny, second thought, second thoughts, see in retrospect, seminar, sensational play, serial, set an examination, shortened version, show, sift, sitcom, situation comedy, size, size up, skeleton, sketch, skimmington, skit, slick magazine, soap, soap opera, sociodrama, spectacle, stage play, stage show, straight drama, stream, string, study, studying, subject, success, sum up, summarize, summary, summing up, summon up, survey, suspense drama, swot, swotting, syllabus, symposium, synopsis, tableau, tableau vivant, take stock of, take the measure, take up, tale-telling, talk, talk about, talk of, talk over, talk show, tautologize, teleplay, television drama, television play, telling, theater of cruelty, think back, think better of, think of, think over, thresh out, thumbnail sketch, topical outline, total theater, touch upon, town meeting, trade magazine, train, treat, treat of, treatment, use hindsight, variety show, vaudeville, vaudeville show, vehicle, ventilate, ventilation, vet, visitation, wade through, weekly, weigh, wide reading, word-of-mouth success, work, write up, write-up, yarn spinning, yearbook