List of romantic synonyms and romantic related words.
Don Quixote, Quixote, Utopian, abstract, absurd, adoring, affectionate, airy, allegoric, amorous, aroused, autistic, bathetic, beery, chimerical, cloying, conjugal, crackpot, created, daydreamer, demonstrative, dereistic, devoted, dreamer, dreamer of dreams, emotional, enthusiast, escapist, exotic, extravagant, fabulous, faithful, fancied, fanciful, fantasized, fantastic, fictional, fictitious, filial, fond, fresh, glamorous, gooey, gushing, husbandly, ideal, idealist, idealistic, idealized, idyllic, illusory, imaginary, imagined, impassioned, impractical, in the clouds, invented, languishing, legendary, libidinous, lotus-eater, lovelorn, lovesick, lovesome, loving, lustful, mad, made-up, maternal, maudlin, mawkish, melting, mushy, mythic, mythical, mythological, mythopoeic, mythopoetic, namby-pamby, nostalgic, nostomanic, otherworldly, oversentimental, oversentimentalized, parabolic, parental, passionate, paternal, picturesque, poetic, prophet, quixotic, rhapsodist, romancer, romancing, romanesque, romanticist, romanticized, saccharine, sappy, seer, sentimental, sentimentalist, sentimentalized, sloppy, slushy, soft, soppy, starry-eyed, sticky, storybook, strange, sugary, sweet, tear-jerking, teary, tender, transcendental, transmundane, unpractical, unrealistic, utopian, utopianist, utopianizer, uxorious, visionary, wifely, wild, wish-fulfilling, wishful thinker