List of root synonyms and root related words.
IC analysis, accidence, acclaim, affix, affixation, allomorph, ancestors, anchor, antecedents, applaud, base, basis, beat the bushes, bed, bed on, bedrock, beginning, birthplace, boost, bottom, bottom on, bound morpheme, bring to light, bud, build on, bulb, bulbil, burgeon, burrow, burst forth, catch, cause, cheer, cheer on, clap, clap the hands, cognate, commencement, completely, conception, confirm, conjugation, core, corm, cradle, cutting, declension, deep-dye, define, delve, derivation, derivative, descent, destroy, develop, difference of form, dig, dig out, dig up, discover, doublet, drive on, egg on, eliminate, embed, enclitic, encore, encourage, engraft, engrave, entirely, entrench, eponym, eradicate, essentiality, establish, etch, etymon, explore, exterminate, extirpate, family, family tree, fatherland, ferret, find, fix, flourish, footing, forage, forebears, forefathers, formative, found, found on, foundation, fount, fountain, fountainhead, free form, frisk, gemmate, genealogy, genesis, germinate, give a hand, go through, goad on, grass roots, ground, ground on, groundwork, grow, grow rank, hail, hasten on, head, hear it for, heart, heritage, hie on, hound on, house, hunt, hurry on, imbed, immediate constituent analysis, impact, implant, impress, imprint, inception, infix, infixation, inflection, infrastructure, ingrain, inscribe, jam, leaf, leaf out, leave, lineage, lodge, look around, look round, look through, luxuriate, marrow, morph, morpheme, morphemic analysis, morphemics, morphology, morphophonemics, motherland, nose, nose around, origin, original, origination, origins, overgrow, overrun, pack, paradigm, pedigree, pith, plant, poke, poke around, predecessors, prefix, prefixation, primitive, print, proclitic, provenance, provenience, pry, pullulate, put forth, put forth leaves, put out buds, quick, quintessence, radical, radically, radicle, radix, ransack, research, rhizome, riot, rise, rock bottom, root and branch, root for, root on, root out, root up, roots, rootstock, rummage, search, search through, seat, set, set in, set on, settle, shoot, shoot up, smell around, soul, source, speed on, spread, sprout, sprout up, spur on, stamp, stem, stereotype, stick, stick fast, stock, strike root, stuff, substance, substratum, suffix, suffixation, support, take root, tap, taproot, theme, thrive, totally, tuber, tubercle, turn up, uncover, undergird, underlie, underpinning, unearth, uproot, upspear, upsprout, urge on, utterly, vegetate, wedge, well, wellhead, whip on, wholly, word-formation