List of roughneck synonyms and roughneck related words.
Babbitt, Philistine, arriviste, boor, boorish, bounder, bourgeois, bruiser, bullyboy, cad, carlish, churl, churlish, cloddish, clown, clownish, epicier, goon, gorilla, groundling, gun, gunsel, guttersnipe, hatchet man, hellion, holy terror, hood, hoodlum, hooligan, hooliganish, ill-bred fellow, looby, loobyish, lout, loutish, low fellow, lubberly, lumpish, mucker, mug, mugger, muscle man, nouveau riche, parvenu, peasant, plug-ugly, punk, raffish, ribald, rodman, rough, rowdy, rowdyish, ruffian, ruffianly, strong-arm man, terror, torpedo, tough, trigger man, ugly customer, upstart, vulgarian, vulgarist, yahoo, yokel, yokelish