List of roundabout synonyms and roundabout related words.
Byzantine, Ferris wheel, O-shaped, ambages, ambagious, ambient, anfractuous, apparent, backhanded, balled up, bypass, carousel, chubby, chute-the-chutes, chutes, circling, circuit, circuitous, circular, circumambages, circumambient, circumbendibus, circumferential, circumflex, circumfluent, circumfluous, circumjacent, circumlocution, circumlocutional, circumlocutory, collateral, complex, complicated, confounded, confused, convoluted, convolutional, cortical, crabbed, daedal, detour, deviating, deviation, deviative, devious, digression, digressive, discursive, disk, elaborate, embracing, embrangled, encircling, enclosing, encompassing, enfolding, entangled, enveloping, environing, epidermic, evasive, excursion, excursive, exomorphic, exterior, external, extrinsic, flexuose, flexuous, flying horses, fouled up, fringe, helical, implicated, indirect, intricate, involute, involuted, involutional, involved, jaunt, junket, knotted, labyrinthian, labyrinthine, long, loused up, many-faceted, matted, mazy, meandering, meandrous, merry-go-round, messed up, mixed up, mucked up, multifarious, neighboring, oblique, open, orbital, out, out-of-the-way, outer, outermost, outing, outlying, outmost, outside, outstanding, outward, outward-facing, peripheral, periphrase, periphrasis, periphrastic, perplexed, pleonasm, plump, podgy, public, pudgy, ramified, redundancy, rivose, rivulose, roller, roller coaster, rolling stone, roly-poly, rotary, rotator, rotor, round, round trip, roundabout way, ruffled, runaround, rundle, sally, screwed up, seeming, seesaw, serpentine, sinuate, sinuose, sinuous, snaky, snarled, spiral, subtle, suburban, superficial, surface, surrounding, swing, tangled, tangly, tautology, teeter-totter, top, torsional, tortile, tortuous, traffic circle, tubby, turning, twisted, twisting, twisty, verbality, wheel, whip, whirlabout, whirler, whirligig, whorled, winding, wrapping, wreathlike, wreathy