List of sacramental synonyms and sacramental related words.
Agnus Dei, High-Church, Holy Grail, Host, Pieta, Sanctus bell, Sangraal, ark, asperger, asperges, aspergillum, bambino, baptismal, beadroll, beads, candle, censer, ceremonial, ceremonious, ceremony, chaplet, ciborium, cross, crucifix, cruet, duty, eucharistial, eucharistic, form, form of worship, formal, formality, formula, formular, formulary, function, holy cross, holy rite, holy water, holy-water sprinkler, icon, incensory, institution, liturgic, liturgistic, liturgy, matzo, menorah, mezuzah, mikvah, mode of worship, monstrance, mystery, observance, office, order of worship, ordinance, osculatory, ostensorium, paschal, paschal candle, pax, phylacteries, practice, prayer shawl, prayer wheel, prescribed form, pyx, relics, rite, ritual, ritual observance, ritualistic, rituality, rood, rosary, sacrament, sacramentarian, sacred relics, sacring bell, service, shofar, solemnity, sukkah, tabernacle, tallith, thurible, urceole, veronica, vigil light, votive candle