List of sample synonyms and sample related words.
adjunct, assay, barometer, bite, bring to test, canvass, case, case history, characteristic, component, conduct a poll, confirm, constituent, contingent, cross section, cut and try, detachment, detail, distinctive, distinguishing, division, dole, element, essay, example, exemplary, experience, experiment, feeler, fraction, fragment, give a try, give a tryout, have a go, illustration, illustrative, indication, individual, installment, item, little bite, little smack, make a survey, natural, naturalistic, nibble, normal, parcel, part, particular, percentage, piece, pilot balloon, play around with, poll, portion, practice upon, probe, prove, put to trial, quadrant, quarter, questionnaire, quintessential, quota, random sample, realistic, regular, remainder, representation, representational, representative, research, road-test, run a sample, sampler, sampling, savor, section, sector, segment, shake down, share, sign, sip, smack, sound, sounder, specimen, straw vote, subdivision, subgroup, subspecies, substantiate, sup, survey, swatch, taste, taste of, taster, test, trial, trial balloon, true to form, true to type, try, try it on, try out, typal, typic, typical, unit, usual, validate, verify, weather vane, weathercock