List of scold synonyms and scold related words.
Xanthippe, admonish, amazon, baste, battle-ax, bawl out, beldam, belittler, berate, bitch, blame, blister, brace, bring to book, cackle, call, call to account, captious critic, carol, carper, carpet, castigate, cat, caviler, caw, censor, censure, censurer, chastise, chatter, cheep, chew, chew out, chide, chirk, chirp, chirr, chirrup, chitter, chuck, clack, cluck, cock-a-doodle-doo, common scold, coo, correct, critic, criticize, criticizer, croak, cronk, crow, cuckoo, denounce, dress down, drum, excoriate, execrate, faultfinder, fishwife, frondeur, fury, gabble, gaggle, gobble, grill, grouch, grouse, grunt, guggle, harass, harpy, harridan, have words with, honk, hoo, hoot, hound, jaw, lash, lecture, mob, momus, murmur, mutter, nag, nitpicker, objurgate, ogress, peep, pettifogger, pip, pipe, quack, quibbler, rag, rail, rant, rate, ream out, rebuke, reprehend, reprimand, reproach, reprobate, reprove, revile, roll, row, set down, set straight, she-devil, she-wolf, shrew, sing, smellfungus, spank, spitfire, squawk, straighten out, take down, take to task, tell off, termagant, tigress, tongue, tongue-lash, trill, tweet, twit, twitter, upbraid, virago, vituperate, vixen, warble, whistle, wig, witch