List of scouring synonyms and scouring related words.
ablation, ablution, abrasion, abrasive, afterglow, afterimage, attrition, balance, bones, buffing, burnishing, butt, butt end, candle ends, chafe, chaff, chafing, cleaning out, culm, deadwood, debris, detrition, detritus, dishwater, douche, douching, draff, dregs, dressing, dust, elution, elutriation, end, enema, erasure, erosion, fag end, filing, filings, flush, flushing, flushing out, fossil, fretting, galling, garbage, gash, grazing, grinding, hogwash, holdover, husks, irrigation, lathering, lavabo, lavage, lavation, laving, leavings, lees, leftovers, limation, mopping, mopping up, odds and ends, offal, offscourings, orts, parings, polishing, potsherds, rags, rasping, raspings, refuse, relics, remainder, remains, remnant, residue, residuum, rest, rinse, rinsing, roach, rubbing away, rubbish, ruins, rump, sandblasting, sanding, sawdust, scourings, scrap iron, scrape, scraping, scraps, scratch, scratching, scrub, scrubbing, scrubbing up, scuff, scum, shadow, shampoo, shards, shavings, shining, slack, slag, slop, slops, smoothing, soaping, sponge, sponging, straw, stubble, stump, survival, swabbing, sweepings, swill, tares, trace, vestige, wash, washing, washing up, washout, washup, wastage, waste, waste matter, wastepaper, wear, wearing away, weeds, wiping up