List of scratch synonyms and scratch related words.
ablation, abort, abrade, abrasion, abrasive, adequate, anamorphosis, attrition, autolithograph, bad likeness, barbouillage, bark, barley, be a printmaker, belch, bezel, bird seed, birthmark, blackhead, blare, blat, blaze, blaze a trail, bleb, blemish, blister, bloody, blot, blot out, blotch, bore, botch, bran, brand, bray, bread, break, bruise, buffing, bulla, burlesque, burn, burnishing, burr, burrow, buzz, cackle, canal, canalize, cancel, caricature, cartoon, carve, cash, caste mark, casual, cat food, caw, cease, chafe, chafing, chalk, chalk up, chamfer, channel, character, charcoal, chase, check, check off, checkmark, chicken feed, chink, chip, chips, chirr, chisel, chiseling, chop, cicatrix, cicatrize, clang, clangor, clank, clash, claw, close, coin, color, comedo, competent, competitive, conclude, concussion, copy, corn, corrugate, corrugation, crack, crackle, cranny, crater, craunch, crayon, craze, crease, cribble, croak, cross out, cross-hatching, crosshatch, crump, crunch, cursoriness, cut, dado, damage, dapple, dash, dash off, daub, defacement, defect, define, deformation, deformity, dele, delete, delimit, delineate, delve, demarcate, demitint, depict, design, determine, detrition, diagram, dig, dig out, dike, discolor, discoloration, disfiguration, disfigurement, distortion, ditch, do double duty, dog food, doodle, dot, dough, draft, draw, dredge, dressing, drill, drive, earmark, eatage, efface, eliminate, elucubrate, enchase, end, engrave, engravement, engraving, ensilage, epidermis, erase, erasure, erosion, etch, etching, excavate, exclude, expunge, extempore, exteriority, fault, feed, filing, finish, finish up, flash burn, flaw, fleck, flick, flute, fluting, fodder, forage, fracture, fray, frazzle, freckle, fret, fretting, furrow, gall, galling, gash, gem-engraving, glass-cutting, gloss, glyptic, goffer, good enough, gouge, gouge out, grain, grate, grave, graving, graze, grazing, greenbacks, grind, grinding, groan, groove, growl, grub, grumble, gully, hack, half tint, haphazard, hasty, hatch, hatching, hay, hemangioma, hen scratches, hen tracks, hickey, hit the ball, hurried, hurt, hustle, impress, imprint, impromptu, incise, incision, informal, injure, injury, inscribe, inscript, inscription, itch, jack, jangle, jar, jot, keloid, kink, lacerate, laceration, lentigo, lesion, limation, limn, line, lining, lithograph, lower, lucubrate, macula, maim, make a mark, make mincemeat of, make prints, makeshift, mar, mark, mark off, mark out, marking, mash, maul, mazuma, meal, mere scratch, microgroove, milium, mine, misdraw, mispaint, mole, mortal wound, mottle, mutilate, mutilation, needle scar, nevus, nick, no depth, no water, notch, oats, obliterate, off the cuff, overwork, paint, paint a picture, parody, pasturage, pasture, patch, pattes de mouche, pencil, pepper, perorate, pet food, picture, picturize, pierce, pimple, pinprick, pit, pleat, plow, pock, pockmark, point, polishing, polka dot, port-wine mark, port-wine stain, portray, pothookery, pothooks, pothooks and hangers, pour it on, prick, prickle, print, provender, punch, punctuate, puncture, pustule, quarry, rabbet, rasp, rasping, raze, rend, rent, resolve, riddle, rifle, rifling, rift, rind, rip, rough, rub, rub off, rub out, rubbing away, ruck, rule out, run, rupture, rut, sandblasting, sanding, sap, satisfactory, savage, scab, scald, scar, scarification, scarify, scoop, scoop out, scorch, score, scoring, scotch, scouring, scrabble, scranch, scrap, scrape, scraping, scratch feed, scratch out, scratching, scrawl, scribble, scribbling, scrub, scrubbing, scrunch, scuff, sculpture, scumble, seal, seam, sebaceous cyst, second-degree burn, shade, shallowness, shining, shoaliness, shovel, silage, sink, sketch, skin, slash, slashing, slave, slightness, slit, slops, smoothing, snarl, snore, sore, spade, speck, speckle, splash, split, splotch, sponge, sponge out, spot, sprain, stab, stab wound, stain, stamp, stencil, stick, stigma, stigmatize, sting, stipple, stippling, stop, strain, straw, strawberry mark, streak, stria, striate, striation, strike off, strike out, stripe, sty, sufficient, sulcation, sulcus, superficiality, superficies, surface, sweat, swill, tattoo, tattoo mark, tear, terminate, third-degree burn, thrill, tick, tick off, tingle, tint, tittle, tool, tooling, trace, track, trauma, traumatize, travesty, trench, triviality, trough, tunnel, twang, twist, type-cutting, underline, underscore, unplanned, unpremeditated, unprepared, up to scratch, up to snuff, veneer, verruca, vesicle, wale, wampum, warp, wart, watermark, weal, wear, wearing away, well-worn groove, welt, wen, wheat, whitehead, wind up, wipe out, work hard, work late, work overtime, wound, wounds immedicable, wrench, wrinkle