List of scuff synonyms and scuff related words.
ablate, ablation, abrade, abrase, abrasion, abrasive, amble, attrition, barge, bark, blemish, bloody, bowl along, break, buffing, bundle, burn, burnishing, chafe, chafing, check, chip, claw, clump, concussion, crack, crackle, craze, cut, detrition, drag, dressing, erase, erasure, erode, erosion, file, filing, flash burn, flounce, foot, footslog, fracture, fray, frazzle, fret, fretting, gall, galling, gash, gnaw, gnaw away, grate, graze, grazing, grind, grinding, halt, hippety-hop, hitch, hobble, hop, hurt, incise, incision, injure, injury, jog, jolt, jump, lacerate, laceration, lesion, limation, limp, lumber, lunge, lurch, maim, make mincemeat of, maul, mince, mortal wound, mutilate, mutilation, pace, paddle, peg, piaffe, piaffer, pierce, plod, polishing, prance, puncture, rack, rasp, rasping, raze, rend, rent, rip, roll, rub away, rub off, rub out, rubbing away, run, rupture, sandblasting, sanding, sashay, saunter, savage, scald, scorch, scotch, scour, scouring, scrape, scraping, scratch, scratching, scrub, scrubbing, scuffle, scuttle, second-degree burn, shamble, shining, shovel, shuffle, sidle, single-foot, skin, skip, slash, slink, slit, slither, slog, slouch, smoothing, sore, sprain, stab, stab wound, stagger, stalk, stamp, stick, stomp, straddle, straggle, strain, stride, stroll, strut, stump, swagger, swing, tear, third-degree burn, tittup, toddle, totter, traipse, trauma, traumatize, trip, trudge, waddle, wamble, wear, wear away, wearing away, wiggle, wobble, wound, wounds immedicable, wrench