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sculpture synonyms and sculpture related words

Synonyms -> sculpture synonyms

List of sculpture synonyms and sculpture related words.

abstract art, art, art form, artist, arts and crafts, arts of design, assemble, autolithograph, be a printmaker, block out, bronze, bust, calligraphy, carve, carving, cast, cave art, ceramics, character, chase, chisel, conformation, crease, create, creation, cribble, crosshatch, cut, decoration, design, designing, doll, dolly, dummy, efform, efformation, enchase, engrave, engraving, etching, fantoccini, fashion, fashioning, figuration, figure, figurehead, figurine, fine arts, fix, folk art, forge, form, formalize, formation, formature, forming, found, frame, furrow, gingerbread man, graphic arts, grave, groove, group, hatch, head, hew, incise, inscribe, insculpture, knead, knock out, lay figure, lay out, lick into shape, line, lithograph, make prints, man of straw, manikin, mannequin, marble, marionette, mark, mint, mobile, model, modeling, mold, molding, monument, morphogenesis, morphogeny, photography, plastic art, portrait bust, primitive art, print, puppet, relief, rough out, roughcast, roughhew, scarecrow, score, scrape, scratch, sculp, sculpt, set, shape, shaping, snowman, solder, stabile, stamp, statuary, statue, statuette, stipple, tailor, terra cotta, the arts, thermoform, tool, wax figure, waxwork, weld, wood carving, work