List of seal synonyms and seal related words.
John Hancock, OK, X, accept, acceptance, accredit, affirm, affirmance, affirmation, agree on terms, amen, approbation, approval, approve, aroma, assurance, assure, attest, attestation, attribute, authenticate, authentication, authorization, authorize, autograph, badge, bang, banner, bar, barricade, batten, batten down, bearing, beige, billhead, blaze, blaze a trail, blemish, blotch, bolt, book stamp, bookplate, boss, brand, broad arrow, brown, brownish, brownish-yellow, brunet, bump, burin, button, button up, cachet, cap of dignity, cap of maintenance, cartouche, cast, casting, certification, certify, chalk, chalk up, character, characteristic, check, check off, chocolate, choke, choke off, christcross, cicatrize, cinnamon, cipher, clap, clinch, close, close off, close up, coat of arms, cocoa, cocoa-brown, coffee, coffee-brown, colophon, concavity, conclude, configuration, confirm, confirmation, constrict, contain, contract, convexity, cork, coronet, corroborate, corroboration, cosign, counterfoil, countermark, countersign, countersignature, counterstamp, cover, crest, cross, crown, cut, dactylogram, dactylograph, dapple, dash, decide, define, delimit, demarcate, dent, design, determine, device, diadem, die, differentia, differential, dint, discolor, distinctive feature, docket, dot, drab, dun, dun-brown, dun-drab, earmark, ecru, emblem, embossment, endorse, endorsement, engrave, engraving tool, ensure, ermine, escutcheon, etching ball, etching ground, etching needle, etching point, evidence, excrescence, fasten, fawn, fawn-colored, feature, figure, fingerprint, fix, flavor, fleck, fold, fold up, footmark, footprint, footstep, form, formalize, fossil footprint, freckle, fuscous, gash, give permission, give the go-ahead, give the imprimatur, give thumbs up, go-ahead, government mark, government stamp, graver, great seal, green light, grege, guarantee, guaranty, gust, hallmark, hand, hatch, hazel, ichnite, ichnolite, identification, idiocrasy, idiosyncrasy, image, impress, impression, imprimatur, imprint, indent, indentation, indention, index, indicant, indicator, individualism, initial, initials, insignia, intaglio, key, keynote, khaki, label, last, latch, letterhead, line, lineaments, lock, lock out, lock up, logo, logotype, lump, lurid, make a mark, mannerism, mark, mark of signature, mark off, mark out, marking, masthead, matrix, measure, mint, mold, molding, monogram, mottle, nature, needle, negative, nick, nod, notarization, notarize, notch, note, notice, notification, nut-brown, occlude, odor, okay, olive-brown, olive-drab, orb, pad, padlock, particularity, pass, pass on, pass upon, paw print, pawmark, peculiarity, pencil, pepper, permission, permit, picture, pimple, plate, plug up, plumb, point, price tag, prick, print, privy seal, property, pug, pugmark, punch, punctuate, puncture, purple, purple pall, purpose, quality, quirk, ratification, ratify, regalia, registered trademark, representation, representative, resolve, riddle, robe of state, rocker, rod, rod of empire, royal crown, rubber stamp, running head, running title, sanction, savor, say amen to, scar, scarify, scepter, score, scorper, scotch, scratch, seal off, seal up, seal-brown, seam, second, secure, sepia, settle, shake hands, shape, shoe last, shut, shut off, shut the door, shut up, sigil, sign, sign and seal, sign manual, signal, signature, signet, singularity, slam, smack, snap, snuff-colored, sorrel, specialty, speck, speckle, splotch, spot, squeeze shut, stain, stamp, stamp of approval, step, sticker, stigmatize, stop up, strangle, streak, striate, strike a bargain, stripe, stub, stud, style, subscribe to, subscription, substantiation, support, sure sign, swear and affirm, swear to, symbol, symptom, tab, tag, taint, take a resolution, tally, tan, tang, taste, tattoo, taupe, tawny, telltale sign, template, the nod, thumbmark, thumbprint, tiara, tick, tick off, ticket, title page, toast, toast-brown, token, trace, trade name, trademark, trademark name, trait, trick, triple plume, umber, umber-colored, underline, underscore, undersign, uraeus, validate, validation, verification, verify, vestige, visa, vise, walnut, walnut-brown, warrant, will, yellowish-brown, zip up, zipper