List of semblance synonyms and semblance related words.
Prospero, accordance, acting, affectation, affinity, agreement, air, airiness, alibi, alikeness, alliance, analogy, angle, aping, apology, appearance, approach, approximation, aspect, assimilation, atmosphere, attitudinizing, aura, blind, bluff, bluffing, certified copy, cheating, cloak, closeness, color, coloring, community, companion, comparability, comparison, configuration, conformity, copy, copying, correspondence, counterfeit, cover, cover story, cover-up, dead ringer, deception, delusion, delusiveness, device, disguise, dissemblance, dissembling, dissimulation, double, duplicate, ectype, effect, effigy, eidolon, exact likeness, excuse, facade, face, facet, fair copy, faithful copy, fake, fakery, faking, fallaciousness, false air, false appearance, false front, false light, false show, falseness, falsity, fashion, feature, feel, feeling, feigning, feint, fellow, figure, forgery, form, four-flushing, fraud, front, gestalt, gilt, gloss, guise, handle, humbug, humbuggery, icon, idealization, identity, idol, illusionism, illusionist, illusiveness, image, imago, imitation, immateriality, imposture, impression, lame excuse, light, likeness, likening, lineaments, living image, living picture, locus standi, look, magic, magic act, magic show, magician, manner, mask, masquerade, match, mate, meretriciousness, metaphor, mimicking, miniature, mirroring, model, mood, nearness, ostensible motive, ostentation, outward show, parallelism, parity, pasticcio, pastiche, phase, phasis, phony, photograph, picture, playacting, poor excuse, portrait, pose, posing, posture, prestidigitation, pretense, pretension, pretext, protestation, public motive, put-off, reference, reflection, refuge, regard, representation, resemblance, respect, rubbing, sameness, screen, seeming, shadow, sham, shape, show, showing, side, similarity, simile, similitude, simulacrum, simulation, slant, sleight of hand, smoke screen, sorcerer, sorcery, specious appearance, speciousness, spit and image, spitting image, stalking-horse, stratagem, style, subterfuge, total effect, trace, tracing, trick, twin, twist, unactuality, unreality, unsubstantiality, varnish, veil, veneer, very image, very picture, view, viewpoint, window dressing, wise