List of senior synonyms and senior related words.
A per se, absolute, ace, ancient, antecedent, anterior, anticipatory, ascendant, authoritarian, authoritative, authorized, autocratic, better, boss, brass hat, cadet, champion, chief, ci-devant, clothed with authority, commander, commanding, competent, consequential, considerable, controlling, dean, dominant, doyen, doyenne, duly constituted, earlier, early, elder, eldest, eminent, empowered, ex officio, father, first, first-born, firstling, fore, foregoing, former, freshman, fugleman, genius, golden-ager, governing, great, head, hegemonic, hegemonistic, high priest, higher-up, imperative, important, important person, influential, junior, kingfish, kingpin, laureate, leader, leading, major, master, midshipman, mighty, momentous, monocratic, nonpareil, official, old-timer, older, oldest, paragon, personage, plebe, potent, powerful, preceding, precurrent, preeminent, preexistent, prestigious, previous, prime, primogenitary, principal, prior, prodigy, prominent, puissant, ranking, ruler, ruling, senior citizen, sire, soph, sophomore, star, substantial, superior, superman, superstar, supreme, the greatest, the most, top dog, totalitarian, undergrad, undergraduate, upperclassman, virtuoso, weighty