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sentence synonyms and sentence related words

Synonyms -> sentence synonyms

List of sentence synonyms and sentence related words.

Parthian shot, acquittal, act on, action, adage, address, adjectival phrase, adjudge, adjudicate, affirmation, allegation, ana, analects, anathematize, anathematizing, answer, aphorism, apostrophe, apothegm, article, assertion, attaint, averment, award, axiom, back matter, blacklist, blame, book, bring home to, byword, catchword, censure, chapter, clause, collected sayings, comment, condemn, condemnation, consideration, construction, convict, conviction, crack, current saying, damn, damnation, death sentence, death warrant, decision, declaration, decree, deliverance, denounce, denouncement, denunciate, denunciation, determination, devote, diagnosis, dictate, dictum, distich, doom, epigram, exclamation, excommunicate, excommunication, expression, fascicle, find, find against, find for, find guilty, finding, folio, front matter, gathering, gnome, golden saying, greeting, guilty verdict, headed group, idiom, idiotism, interjection, judge, judgement, judgment, landmark decision, locution, manner of speaking, maxim, mention, moral, mot, motto, note, noun phrase, number, observation, oracle, ordain, order, page, paragraph, pass judgment, pass sentence, pass sentence on, passage, peculiar expression, penalize, penalty, period, phrasal idiom, phrase, pithy saying, position, precedent, precept, prescript, prognosis, pronounce, pronounce judgment, pronounce on, pronounce sentence, pronouncement, proscribe, proscription, proverb, proverbial saying, proverbs, punish, punishment, question, rap, reflection, remark, report, resolution, return a verdict, rule, ruling, saw, say, saying, section, sententious expression, set phrase, sheet, signature, sloka, standard phrase, statement, stock saying, subjoinder, sutra, syntactic structure, teaching, term, text, thought, turn of expression, turn of phrase, usage, utter a judgment, utterance, verb complex, verb phrase, verbalism, verdict, verdict of guilty, verse, way of speaking, wisdom, wisdom literature, wise saying, witticism, word, word-group, words of wisdom