List of setting synonyms and setting related words.
Intertype, Linotype, Monotype, adaptation, agora, amphitheater, arena, arrangement, arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis, athletic field, auditorium, back, backdrop, background, background detail, backing, bear garden, bearing, bowl, boxing ring, broadcast, broadcasting, bull ring, bushing, calcification, callusing, campus, canvas, case hardening, chassis, circus, clabbering, clotting, coagulation, cockpit, cold-type typesetting, coliseum, collapsing, colosseum, composing, composing stick, composition, computerized typesetting, concretion, congealment, congelation, context, cornification, course, crystallization, curdling, deciduous, declining, declivitous, decorative composition, decorative style, decurrent, descendant, descending, design, detail, dissemination, distance, down, down-reaching, downcoming, downfalling, downgoing, downhill, downsinking, downward, drooping, dropping, dummy, environment, environs, falling, field, figure, firming, floor, foil, foreground detail, form, forum, fossilization, frame, furniture, galley chase, gelatination, gelatinization, gelling, granulation, ground, gym, gymnasium, habitat, hall, hardening, harmonization, hinterland, hippodrome, home, hornification, hot-metal typesetting, imposition, induration, infrastructure, insemination, inspissation, instrumentation, intonation, jellification, jelling, jellying, justification, lapidification, layout, line of type, lists, lithification, locale, location, marketplace, mat, milieu, mise-en-scene, modulation, motif, mount, mounting, national style, on the descendant, on the downgrade, open forum, orchestration, ornamental motif, ossification, palaestra, parade ground, pattern, period style, petrifaction, petrification, photocomposition, photosetting, phototypesetter, phototypesetting machine, phrasing, pit, place, placement, planting, platform, plummeting, plunging, precinct, preparation, prize ring, public square, purlieu, quoin, range, rear, reforestation, repeated figure, resetting, resolution, retimbering, ring, sagging, scene, scene of action, scenery, sclerosis, seeding, semination, set, sinking, site, skeleton, slug, solidification, solution, sowing, sphere, squared circle, stadium, stage, stage set, stage setting, steeling, stiffening, style, submerging, subsiding, surroundings, suspension, tempering, terrain, theater, theme, thickening, tilting ground, tiltyard, tone painting, tottering, touch, toughening, transcription, transplantation, tumbledown, typesetting, typesetting machine, underframe, vitrifaction, vitrification, walk, wrestling ring