List of shabby synonyms and shabby related words.
Mickey Mouse, NG, abandoned, abject, abominable, arrant, atrocious, awful, bare, base, battered, beastly, beat-up, bedraggled, beggarly, beneath contempt, blameworthy, blowzy, broken-down, brutal, budget, careless, cheap, cheesy, chintzy, coarse, common, contemptible, contemptuous, crummy, debased, decaying, decrepit, deficient, degraded, demeaning, deplorable, depraved, desolate, despicable, deteriorated, deteriorating, detestable, dilapidated, dingy, dire, dirty, disagreeable, discreditable, disfigured, disgraceful, disgusting, dishonorable, disreputable, dog-eared, dowdy, down-at-heel, down-at-the-heels, drabbletailed, draggled, draggletailed, dreadful, easy, economic, economy, egregious, enormous, execrable, faded, fetid, filthy, flagrant, foul, fourth-class, frayed, frazzled, frowzy, frugal, frumpish, frumpy, full of holes, fulsome, gaudy, gimcracky, good-for-naught, good-for-nothing, grave, grievous, gross, grubby, grudging, grungy, hateful, heinous, holey, horrible, horrid, ignoble, ignominious, imperfect, impolite, in rags, in shreds, in tatters, inadequate, incompetent, inexpensive, infamous, inferior, informal, inglorious, insufficient, irregular, junk, junky, lamentable, little, loathsome, loose, lousy, low, low-class, low-down, low-grade, low-priced, low-quality, low-test, lowly, lumpen, maladroit, manageable, mangy, mean, mean-spirited, measly, mediocre, meretricious, messy, mingy, miserable, moderate, modest, monstrous, moth-eaten, mussy, nasty, nefarious, neglected, negligent, niggard, niggardly, no-account, no-good, noisome, nominal, not comparable, not in it, not worth having, not worth mentioning, not worthwhile, notorious, nugacious, nugatory, obnoxious, odious, offensive, opprobrious, out of it, outrageous, outworn, paltry, patchy, pathetic, penurious, peremptory, petty, pinchpenny, pitiable, pitiful, poky, poor, poverty-stricken, punk, ragged, raggedy, ramshackle, rank, ratty, reasonable, regrettable, reprehensible, reptilian, repulsive, rickety, rotten, rubbishy, rude, ruined, ruinous, run-down, sad, scabby, scandalous, schlock, scraggly, scrubby, scruffy, scummy, scurvy, scuzzy, second-best, second-class, seedy, sensible, shady, shameful, shattered, shocking, shoddy, slack, slatternly, sleazy, slipshod, sloppy, slovenly, slumlike, slummy, sluttish, small, sordid, sorry, squalid, stingy, tacky, tattered, tatty, terrible, third-class, third-rate, threadbare, tinny, tired, token, too bad, torn, trashy, trivial, trumpery, tumbledown, two-for-a-cent, two-for-a-penny, twopenny, twopenny-halfpenny, unclean, uncouth, unexpensive, unfriendly, ungenerous, ungentlemanly, unhelpful, unkempt, unladylike, unmentionable, unneat, unpleasant, unrespectable, unsightly, unskillful, untidy, unworthy, valueless, vile, villainous, within means, woeful, worn, worn out, worn-out, worst, worth the money, worthless, wrecked, wretched