List of shake up synonyms and shake up related words.
abate, accelerate, accuse, action, ad hoc measure, agitate, anathematize, anathemize, animadvert on, answer, arouse, arraign, artifice, attenuate, awake, awaken, beat, beat up, blame, blunt, call to account, cast blame upon, cast reflection upon, censure, churn, churn up, clean sweep, cleanup, complain against, condemn, contrivance, convulse, countermove, coup, course of action, cramp, cripple, cry down, cry out against, cry out on, cry shame upon, cushion, damn, damp, dampen, deaden, debilitate, decry, demarche, denounce, denunciate, device, devitalize, disarrange, discombobulate, discompose, disconcert, disquiet, disturb, dodge, dull, ease, effort, electrify, enervate, enfeeble, eviscerate, excite, exhaust, expedient, extenuate, ferment, fluff, flurry, fluster, flutter, fret, fulminate against, fuss, gentle, gimmick, gruel, hasten, hurry, impeach, improvisation, impugn, indict, inveigh against, jar, jolt, jury-rig, jury-rigged expedient, knead, knock up, last expedient, last resort, last shift, laxate, lay low, limber, limber up, liquidation, loosen, makeshift, maneuver, mash, massage, means, measure, mellow, milden, mitigate, mollify, move, overturn, paddle, perturb, perturbate, pis aller, plump, pulp, purge, quicken, rattle, realign, realignment, rearrange, rearrangement, reconstitute, reconstitution, redispose, redisposition, redistribute, redistribution, reduce, reflect upon, relax, removal, reorder, reordering, reorganization, reorganize, reprehend, reproach, reprobate, resort, resource, restructure, restructuring, revolution, riddance, rile, ripple, rock, roil, roughen, rouse, ruffle, rumple, sap, shake, shift, shock, smash, soften, soften up, solution, squash, stagger, step, step up, stir, stir up, stopgap, stratagem, stroke, stroke of policy, subdue, supple, swirl, tactic, temporary expedient, tenderize, tone down, trick, trouble, trump, tune down, turnover, unbrace, undermine, unman, unnerve, unsettle, unstrengthen, unstring, upset, wake, wake up, waken, weaken, whip, whip up, whisk, work up, working hypothesis, working proposition