List of shift synonyms and shift related words.
Doppler effect, aberrancy, aberration, about ship, about the bush, about-face, accommodation, action, ad hoc measure, adaptation, adjustment, advance, alchemy, alter, alteration, alternate, ameliorate, amelioration, amotion, anchor watch, answer, apostasy, around the bush, art, artful dodge, artifice, ascend, assimilate to, assimilation, assumption, back, back and fill, back up, bag of tricks, be changed, be converted into, be renewed, bear away, bear off, bear to starboard, beat, beat about, beat around, become, becoming, beg the question, bend, betterment, bias, bicker, bit, blind, blouse, bluff, bodice, boggle, bosey, bottom out, bout, box off, branch off, branching off, break, bring about, bring round, bring to, budge, cadre, caftan, cant, cant round, carry away, carry off, cart away, cast, cast about, catch, cavil, change, change course, change into, change of heart, change over, change place, change the bearing, change the heading, change-over, changeableness, changeover, cheat, checker, chemise, chicanery, chop, chop and change, choplogic, chouse, circle, circuitousness, climb, come about, come around, come round, conspiracy, constructive change, continuity, contrivance, conversion, convert, corner, corps, corsage, countermove, coup, course of action, craft, crew, crook, curve, curve-ball, cute trick, day shift, deceit, deceive, declination, defection, deflection, degenerate, degeneration, degenerative change, delocalization, delocalize, demarche, depart from, departure, deracination, dernier ressort, descend, design, deteriorate, deterioration, detour, deviance, deviancy, deviate, deviation, device, deviousness, dickey, difference, digress, digression, dirty deal, dirty trick, disarrangement, disarticulation, discontinuity, discursion, disjointing, dislocation, dislodge, displace, displacement, dither, divagate, divagation, divaricate, divarication, diverge, divergence, diversification, diversify, diversion, diversity, do over, dodge, dogleg, dogwatch, double, double a point, drift, drifting, duck, ebb, ebb and flow, edge, effort, equivocate, errantry, evade, evade the issue, excursion, excursus, exorbitation, expediency, expedient, fakement, fast deal, feint, fence, fetch, fetch about, ficelle, finesse, fitting, flip-flop, flop, flounder, flow, fluctuate, forcible shift, full time, gambit, game, gang, get over, gimmick, go, go about, go around, go round, go sideways, go through phases, googly, gradual change, graveyard shift, grift, group, growth, gybe, gyrate, hairpin, half time, haul around, heave round, hedge, heel, hem and haw, heterotopia, hocus-pocus, hours, improve, improvement, improvisation, incoherence, indirection, intrigue, jibe, jibe all standing, joker, juggle, jugglery, jury-rig, jury-rigged expedient, knavery, lapse, last expedient, last resort, last shift, lay aside, lie, linen, little game, lobster trick, look after, luxation, make, make do, make it, make over, makeshift, manage, maneuver, manhandle, market, means, measure, meliorate, melioration, miss stays, mitigate, mitigation, modification, modulate, modulation, mount, move, move over, movement, moving, mutate, muu-muu, mystify, naturalization, naturalize, night shift, nitpick, obliquity, obscure, oscillate, overthrow, overtime, palter, parry, part time, party, pass, passage, pendulate, pererration, pick nits, pis aller, plot, ploy, plunge, ply, prevaricate, progress, pull away, pull back, pussyfoot, put about, put aside, put back, put off, qualification, quibble, racket, radical change, rambling, re-creation, re-formation, realignment, rearrange, recoil, reconversion, reconvert, recourse, red herring, red shift, redesign, reduce to, reduction, reform, reformation, refuge, regress, relay, relocate, relocation, remaking, remotion, removal, remove, removement, render, renewal, reshaping, resolution, resolve into, resort, resource, restructuring, retrogress, reversal, reverse, revival, revive, revivification, revolution, ring the changes, ripping out, rise, rotate, round a point, run, ruse, schedule, scheme, scurvy trick, seesaw, sell, send, set aside, shake-up, sheer, sheer off, shift about, shift off, shifting, shifting course, shifting path, shilly-shally, shirt, shrink, shuffle, shunt, shy, shy away, shy off, side, sidestep, sink, skew, slant, sleight, sleight of hand, sleight-of-hand trick, slew, smock, soar, solution, spin, split hairs, split schedule, split shift, squad, staff, stagger, step, step aside, stint, stir, stopgap, stratagem, strategy, straying, stream, stroke, stroke of policy, subside, substitute, subterfuge, succeed, sudden change, sunrise watch, sway, sweep, swerve, swerving, swing, swing round, swing shift, swing the stern, swinging, switch, switch over, switch-over, tack, tactic, take a turn, take away, take care of, team, teeter, teeter-totter, temporary expedient, tergiversate, throw about, time, total change, totter, tour, tour of duty, transfer, transform, transformation, transit, transition, transpose, travel, trend, trick, trickery, trump, turn, turn aside, turn back, turn into, turn of work, turn the corner, turnabout, turning, turning into, twist, twist and turn, undergo a change, unhinging, unjointing, upheaval, uprooting, vacillate, variation, variety, vary, veer, violent change, volte-face, waist, wandering, wane, ward off, warp, watch, waver, wax and wane, wear, wear ship, whirl, wile, wily device, wind, wobble, work shift, workers, working hypothesis, working proposition, worsen, worsening, yaw, zigzag