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shrivel synonyms and shrivel related words

Synonyms -> shrivel synonyms

List of shrivel synonyms and shrivel related words.

Sanforize, age, air-dry, anhydrate, attenuate, bake, blot, brush, burn, cheat the undertaker, consume, contract, cure, curl up, decline, dehumidify, dehydrate, desiccate, diminish, dodder, drain, droop, dry, dry up, emacerate, emaciate, evaporate, exsiccate, fade, fade away, fail, fire, flag, fossilize, get along, get on, grow old, insolate, kiln, languish, macerate, mummify, mummy, parch, pine, preshrink, pucker up, rub, scorch, sear, shake, shrink, shrivel up, sink, smoke, soak up, sponge, sun, sun-dry, swab, thin, torrefy, totter, towel, turn gray, turn white, wane, waste, waste away, weazen, welter, wilt, wipe, wither, wizen, wrinkle