List of shroud synonyms and shroud related words.
advocate, alpenstock, apparel, arm, armor, array, athletic supporter, attire, back, backbone, backing, bandeau, bearer, becloud, bedeck, bedrape, befog, blanket, bless, blind, block out, box, bra, brace, bracer, bracket, brassiere, bundle up, buttress, camouflage, cane, carrier, case, cerecloth, cerement, cerements, cervix, champion, cloak, close, clothe, cloud, coat, compass about, conceal, copyright, corset, cover, cover up, coverage, covering, covert, coverture, cowl, cowling, crate, crook, crutch, curtain, cushion, deck, defend, dight, disguise, dissemble, distract attention from, drape, drapery, dress, dud, eclipse, embox, embrace, encapsulate, encase, enclose, enclothe, endue, enfold, enrobe, ensconce, enshroud, ensure, envelop, enwrap, fence, fend, foundation garment, fulcrum, garb, garment, girdle, gloss over, graveclothes, guarantee, guard, guise, guy, guywire, habilitate, hanging, harbor, haven, hide, hood, housing, insure, invest, jock, jockstrap, keep, keep from harm, keep under cover, lap, mainstay, maintainer, make safe, mantle, mask, mast, muffle up, neck, nestle, obfuscate, obscure, obstruct, occult, pack, package, pall, patent, police, prop, protect, rag out, raiment, register, reinforce, reinforcement, reinforcer, rest, resting place, ride shotgun for, rigging, robe, safeguard, screen, secure, shade, sheathe, shelter, shield, shoulder, shut off, shut out, slur over, smother, spine, sprit, staff, standing rigging, stave, stay, stick, stiffener, strengthener, support, supporter, surround, sustainer, swaddle, swathe, tire, underwrite, upholder, varnish, veil, vestment, walking stick, whitewash, winding sheet, wrap, wrap about, wrap up