List of shuddering synonyms and shuddering related words.
abhorrence, abomination, ague, allergy, antagonism, antipathy, aspen, aversion, bumpiness, chattering, chorea, cold shivers, cold sweat, creeping flesh, disgust, enmity, fits and starts, hate, hatred, horror, hostility, jactation, jactitation, jerkiness, joltiness, loathing, mortal horror, nausea, palsied, palsy, quaking, quavering, quavery, quivering, quivery, repugnance, repulsion, shakes, shaking, shaky, shivering, shivers, shivery, spasms, succussatory, succussion, succussive, trembling, trembly, tremulous, tremulousness, vibrating, vibration, wobbly