List of shut synonyms and shut related words.
ban, bang, bar, barricade, batten, batten down, blank, blind, blind-alley, block out, bolt, bolted, bottle up, box in, button, button up, cease, cecal, choke, choke off, choked, choked off, clap, close, close down, close off, close up, closed, conceal, confine, constrict, constricted, contain, contract, contracted, coop up, cover, cut, cut off, cut out, dead, dead-end, debar, disallow, discontinue, douse, eliminate, exclude, fasten, fastened, fence in, fold, fold up, gag, halt, hide, immure, imprison, incarcerate, intern, isolate, jail, keep away, keep in, keep out, keep quiet, key, kill, latch, leave off, lock, lock out, lock up, locked up, mask, mute, occlude, padlock, pen, plumb, prohibit, put to, quieten, screen, seal, seal off, seal up, seclude, secure, segregate, send to Coventry, separate, sequester, shush, shut down, shut in, shut off, shut out, shut the door, shut up, silence, slam, snap, squeeze shut, squeezed shut, stifle, stop, strangle, strangulated, suspend, switch off, turn off, unopen, unopened, unvented, unventilated, veil, zip up, zipper