List of signature synonyms and signature related words.
ID card, John Hancock, OK, Smyth sewing, X, accent, accent mark, acceptance, accommodation, acknowledgment, acknowledgments, adjustment, affirmance, affirmation, approbation, approval, arrangement, article, authentication, authorization, autograph, back, back matter, backing, badge, banner, bar, bastard title, bibliography, bibliopegy, binder board, binding, book, book cloth, book cover, book jacket, bookbinding, bookcase, by-line, calligram, calling card, cancel, card, case, casemaking, casing-in, catch line, catchword, certification, chapter, character, characteristic, christcross, cipher, citation, clause, closing, collating, collating mark, colophon, conclusion, confession, confirmation, contents, contents page, copyright page, countermark, countersign, countersignature, counterstamp, cover, credentials, credit line, cross, custos, dedication, device, differentia, direct, dog tag, dot, dust cover, dust jacket, earmark, endleaf, endorsement, endpaper, endsheet, errata, expression mark, fascicle, fermata, flyleaf, folding, folio, footband, fore edge, foreword, front matter, gathering, gluing-off, go-ahead, green light, half-title page, hallmark, hand, hard binding, head, headband, hold, identification, identification badge, identification tag, idiosyncrasy, image, imprimatur, imprint, index, indicant, indicator, initials, ink, inscription, insignia, introduction, jacket, key signature, keynote, lead, leaf, letter of introduction, library binding, ligature, lining, lining-up, makeup, mark, mark of signature, measure, mechanical binding, metronomic mark, monogram, niggerhead, nod, notarization, notation, note, number, okay, page, paragraph, passage, pause, peculiarity, perfect binding, permission, phrase, picture, plastic binding, preface, preliminaries, presa, press card, property, ratification, recto, reference, representation, representative, reverso, rounding, rubber stamp, running title, saddle stitching, sanction, seal, sealing, section, segno, sentence, serial number, settlement, sewing, sheet, side sewing, sigil, sign, sign manual, signal, signet, signing, slipcase, slipcover, slur, smashing, soft binding, solemnization, spiral binding, stamp, stamp of approval, stamping, stapling, subscribe, subscription, subtitle, sure sign, swell, symbol, symptom, table of contents, tail, tailband, telltale sign, tempo mark, tessera, text, the nod, theme song, tie, time signature, tipping, title, title page, trademark, trait, tribute, trim size, trimming, type page, validation, verse, verso, vinculum, visa, vise, visiting card, warrant, wire stitching, wrapper