List of sit in synonyms and sit in related words.
assemblee, assembly, assignation, at home, ball, be enfranchised, be implicated in, bear a hand, beef, bitch, boggle, boycott, brawl, call in question, caucus, challenge, chip in, colloquium, commission, committee, complain, complaint, compunction, conclave, concourse, congregation, congress, contribute, conventicle, convention, convocation, council, cry out against, dance, date, demonstrate, demonstrate against, demonstration, demur, demurrer, diet, dispute, eisteddfod, enter a protest, enter into, exception, expostulate, expostulation, festivity, fete, forgathering, forum, gathering, get-together, go into, grievance, grievance committee, have suffrage, help decide, holler, housewarming, howl, indignation meeting, join, join in, kick, levee, make the scene, march, meet, meeting, nonviolent protest, object, objection, panel, partake, partake of, participate, participate in, party, picket, picketing, plenum, press objections, prom, protest, protest demonstration, protestation, pull an oar, qualm, quorum, raise a howl, rally, reception, remonstrance, remonstrate, remonstration, rendezvous, scruple, seance, session, shindig, sit in on, sitting, soiree, squawk, state a grievance, strike, symposium, synod, take part in, teach in, teach-in, turnout, vote, yell bloody murder