List of skin synonyms and skin related words.
C, C-note, G, G-note, IUD, ablate, abrade, abrase, acne, acne vulgaris, bag, bark, barrel, bear the palm, beat, beat all hollow, beat hollow, beeline, best, bill, birth control device, blame, bleed, bleed white, blemish, bloody, bone, border, bran, break, buck, bucket, bullet, burn, capsule, cartwheel, case, casing, censure, cent, century, chafe, chaff, cheapskate, cheat, check, chip, circumference, clad, claw, clip, clobber, coat, coating, collop, con man, condemn, condom, contraceptive, contraceptive foam, copper, cork, corn shuck, cornhusk, cortex, cover, covering, crack, craze, crust, cursoriness, cut, cut off, deal, decorticate, defeat, defoliate, defrauder, denounce, denude, denunciate, deplume, derma, dermamycosis, dermatitis, dermatosis, despoil, destroy, diaphragm, diddler, dime, disk, dismember, displume, divest, do in, dollar, dollar bill, double-dealer, drain, draw and quarter, drub, dry, eczema, elephantiasis, enamel, envelope, epicarp, epidermis, epithelioma, erase, erode, erysipelas, erythema, exanthem, excoriate, exhaust, exploit, exterior, exteriority, external, facade, face, facet, facing, fell, feuille, fifty cents, file, film, fin, fish, five cents, five hundred dollars, five-dollar bill, five-hundred-dollar bill, five-spot, fiver, fix, flap, flay, fleece, fleet, flimflammer, foil, fold, four bits, fracture, fray, frazzle, fret, fringe, frogskin, front, fur, gall, gash, gloss, gnaw, gnaw away, gouge, grand, grate, graze, grind, gyp, half G, half a C, half dollar, half grand, haste, hasten, heat rash, herpes, herpes simplex, herpes zoster, hide, highball, hives, hold up, hors de combat, hull, hundred-dollar bill, hurt, husk, hustle, impetigo, impoverish, incise, incrustation, injure, integument, intrauterine device, iron man, itch, jacket, jungle rot, knock, lacerate, lacquer, lambaste, lamella, lamina, laminated glass, laminated wood, lap, lather, leaf, leprosy, lichen, lichen primus, lick, lineaments, lupus, lupus vulgaris, maim, make mincemeat of, mangle, maul, membrane, mere scratch, miliaria, milk, mill, mutilate, nickel, niggard, no depth, no water, oral contraceptive, outclass, outdo, outer face, outer layer, outer side, outer skin, outfight, outgeneral, outline, outmaneuver, outpoint, outrun, outsail, outshine, outside, overcharge, overlay, overprice, overtax, paint, palea, pane, panel, pare, patina, peel, peeling, pellicle, pelt, pemphigus, penny, periphery, pessary, phellum, pick clean, pick to pieces, pierce, pinprick, plait, plank, plate, plating, pluck, ply, plywood, pod, prickly heat, profiteer, prophylactic, pruigo, pruritus, psora, pull apart, pull off, puncture, put, quarter, rap, rasher, rasp, raze, red cent, rend, reprehend, reprobate, revetment, rind, ringworm, rip, rub away, rub off, rub out, rubber, ruin, run, rupture, safety glass, savage, sawbuck, scabies, scald, scale, scalp, scorch, scotch, scour, scrape, scratch, screw, scrooge, scrub, scuff, scum, settle, shallowness, sharper, shear, sheath, sheathing, sheet, shell, shingles, shoaliness, shred, shuck, side, siding, silver dollar, skin alive, skin cancer, skinflint, slab, slash, slat, slice, slightness, slit, slough, smacker, soak, spermicidal jelly, spermicide, sprain, stab, stick, stiff, sting, strain, strip, strip bare, suck dry, superficiality, superficies, superstratum, surcharge, surface, swindle, table, tablet, take apart, take the cake, tear, tear apart, tear to pieces, tear to tatters, ten cents, ten-spot, tenner, tetter, the pill, thousand dollars, thousand-dollar bill, thrash, tightwad, top, traumatize, trim, triumph, triumph over, triviality, trounce, twenty-dollar bill, twenty-five cents, two bits, two-dollar bill, two-spot, undo, varnish, veneer, victimize, wafer, wear, wear away, whip, win, worst, wound, wrench, yard