List of skinny synonyms and skinny related words.
angular, bony, cortical, cutaneous, dermal, dermic, ecderonic, ectodermal, ectodermic, emaciated, endermatic, endermic, epicarpal, epidermal, epidermic, flat, flat-chested, fleshless, furry, gangling, gangly, gaunt, gawky, half-starved, hypodermal, hypodermic, lank, lanky, lean, lean-fleshed, lean-looking, meager, pinched, rawboned, scraggy, scrawny, shrunken, skeletal, skin-deep, spare, spidery, spindling, spindly, subcutaneous, testaceous, thin, thin-bellied, thin-fleshed, twiggy, undernourished, undersized, underweight, wasted, weedy