List of slavery synonyms and slavery related words.
abjectness, absolutism, attendance, baseness, bond service, bondage, captivity, control, debt slavery, deprivation of freedom, dirty work, disenfranchisement, disfranchisement, domination, donkeywork, drudge, drudgery, employ, employment, enslavement, enthrallment, fag, fatigue, feudalism, feudality, grind, handiwork, handwork, hard labor, helotism, helotry, indentureship, industry, labor, lick, lick of work, manual labor, meanness, menialness, ministration, ministry, moil, peonage, plugging, rat race, restraint, scut work, serfdom, serfhood, servility, servitium, servitorship, servitude, slavishness, spadework, strain, stroke, stroke of work, subjection, subjugation, submissiveness, subservience, subserviency, sweat, task, tendance, thrall, thralldom, tiresome work, toil, travail, treadmill, tyranny, vassalage, villenage, work, yoke